Tales From The NATverse #1 Signed by SIM (80 pages Deluxe Limited Edition First Printing)
(MATURE) All his life Nat has been seeking his true origin, never finding a glimpse of a clue, until now. A set of events will lead him on the path of his GENESIS.
5 Stories in one big 80-page book collecting 5 short stories introducing NAT and other characters sharingthe same universe ( Friends or Foes) and all connected to the main series NAT THE MERC with stories from 2012 until NOW, The old stories are now remastered with new colors, new dialogue and lettering. You love books like Heavy Metal, Métal Hurlant, 2000 AD, Metabarons, Alien Legions, Dirty Pair by Adam Warren, Appleseed, Lobo, Cyber Force this is for you.
NOT FOR KIDS! 16+ 80 page book with a solid German Binding. (First Printing deluxe soft cover edition from the Crowdfunding campaign limited to 200, Signed).